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Chloro silane can be used for organic synthesis, smokescreen manufacturing, battlefield irritant gas, monocrystalline silicon raw materials, optical fiber, epitaxy, etching, chemical vapor deposition.

Chloro silane is a colorless transparent toxic liquid with a breath stimulating odor at room temperature and pressure. It gives off poisonous vapour and is of thermal stability. It can not burn in the air. It can react with oxygen in the air to form SiO2 at more than 400 ℃. When it is hydrolyzed in moist air, solid particles of steam are formed with smoke. React violently with water and form silicic acid and hydrochloric acid. It can react with many metal oxides and form chlorides. It can react with ammonia and form tetramine silicon and produce smog. It can react with gliese reagent and form organochlorosilane. It can react with alcohols and form silicates. It is corrosive, and can corrode aluminum and brass. It can be miscible with organic solvents such as benzene, chloroform, ether, etc.

Toxicity of chloro silane

The toxicity of chloro silane is mainly manifested in its strong irritation and corrosion. It can irritate and corrode the skin, eyes and respiratory mucous membranes, which can cause tears, cough, conjunctivitis, upper respiratory tract inflammation, trachea, bronchial and lung inflammation. It can corrode and destroy cells.